See below the awards, an amazing story about the legend of Jack Hamm…
2024 - 13th Annual Celebration (14th unofficial *covid)
#18 Drain Pipe Tom/Long putt - Austin Meadows
#4 Sharp Shooter/Closest - Jeff Kaniewski
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive MENS and LADIES - Jake Radde
Champs - (59, -12) Jeff Berry, Adam Kanczuzewski, Jake Radde, Eric Radde. Jake Radde MVP
Last Place Spiritual Warriors - Matt Stewart, Robert Nagle, Aaron Lannoo
2023 - 12th Annual Celebration (13th unofficial)
#4 Sharp Shooter/Closest to Pin - Tim McKinnies
#9 Drain Pipe Tom/Long putt - Nick Bauer
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive MENS/LADIES - Kevin Healy
Winning Team, 61, -10, Chuck and the Disco Crew - Tim McKinnies, Andy Stern, Tom Hirschler, Chuck Dyczko
Spiritual Warriors/Best Team Name - Stoned as Heck - Sue Stone, Doug Stone, David Heckaman, Karen Haun
2022 - 11th Annual Celebration
#4 Sharp Shooter/Closest - Roger Riewe
#18 Drain Pipe Tom/Long putt - Steve Skelton
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive MENS - Tim McKinnies
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive LADIES - Pam Samson
Winning Team, -15 - Trout Sniffers - Tim, Nick, Tyler and Michael Kanczuzewski
Spiritual Warriors - If My Wife Asks, This Doesn’t end Till 5 - Kael Kanczuzewski, Dan Jankowski, Ryan Wasoski, Matt St. Clair
2021 - 10th Annual Celebration
#4 Sharp Shooter/Closest - Maggie Sevison
#18 Drain Pipe Tom/Long putt - Karen Haun
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive MENS - Tim McKinnies
#12 Grip N’ Rip/Long drive Ladies - Trish Gardini
Winning Team, -14 - DONKEY - Al Hartman, Rick Bishop, Andy Kern, Jim McIntire
Spiritual Warriors - Tony’s Mobile - Tony Lacapo, Blake Batteast, Josh Kosowski, Steve Hostetler
2020 - Par 3 Big CuP
***Closest to Pins Every Hole (Sharp Shooters)
Hole #1 - Jay Dobson, #2 - Mitch Kaniewski, #3 - Tyler Kanczuzewski, #4 - Lisa Dobson, #5 - Jeff Kaniewski, #6 - David Kanczuzewski, #7 - Jeff Oltmanns, #8 - Adam Lies, #9 - Ryan Gardini
1st place Team (Tom's Champs) - The Usual Suspects - Jason Skene, Matt Gillespie, Ryan Dowling, Jake King
1st place MVP (The Cinderella Story) - Jake King
Closest to pin on #4 (Sharp Shooter) - Todd Russell
Longest Putt on #18 (Drain Pipe Tom) - Evan McCullough
Long Drive on #12 (Jack Hamm Grip & Rip) - Dave Wells
Last place Team (Spiritual Warriors) - All Greens, No Kael - Ryan Wasoski, Dan Janjowski, Matt St. Clair, Joel Fox
1st place Team (Tom's Champs) - (Team Skene) Jason Skene, Matt Gillespie, Ryan Dowling, Jake King
1st place MVP (The Cinderella Story) - Matt Gillespie
Closest to pin on #11 (Sharp Shooter) - Al Hartman
Longest Putt on #18 (Drain Pipe Tom) - John Pluta
Long Drive on #5 (Jack Hamm Grip & Rip) - Jay Dobson
Last place Team (Spiritual Warriors) - (Team Doster) John Doster, James Doster, Tim Powers, Justin Johnson
MVP - Jason Skene
Long Drive (Grip N' Rip) - Aaron Bolin
Closest to Pin (Sharp Shooter) - Tim Kaniewski
Longest Putt (Drain Pipe Tom) - Larry Catanzarite
MVP - David Kanczuzewski
Long Drive (Grip N' Rip) - Reg Gardini
Closest to Pin (Sharp Shooter) - Chris Brickley
Longest Putt (Drain Pipe Tom) - Tim McKinnies
Long Drive - Ryan Gardini
Closest to Pin (Sharp Shooter) - Al Hartman
Longest Putt (Drain Pipe Tom) - Ryan Skene
Long Drive - Steve Ziolkowski
Closest to Pin (Sharp Shooter) - Chris Brickley
Longest Putt (Drain Pipe Tom) - Jay Dobson
Long Drive - Mary Spillane
Closest to Pin (Sharp Shooter) - Nick Davey
Long Drive - Peter Rienks
Closest to Pin - Tom Hirshler
The Story of a Legend - Jack Hamm
Jack Hamm learned the secret to golf and long-driving during a vision quest. As a 16 year-old boy, Jack traveled to the darkest reaches of Asia, where he sought truth, purpose, and the answer to one question: how do you hit a golf ball 500 yards?His journey took him to the Himalayas, where he engaged in a death-match with a 200 year old Yeti. After Jack defeated the Yeti with a rear naked choke, the Dali Lama gave him a ring of power, and told him to seek out the Shao Lin monks for training.
It is during his time learning the Shao Lin way that Jack got a glimpse of the secret to power. His Master, Wong Drive, teed up a ball and struck a shot 200, maybe 210 with an 9 iron. He told Jack he must focus his qi, or "chi", and breathe through his eyes to focus his power on the ball. Jack, now able to breathe through his eyes and hold that breath for 5 minutes, traveled back to the US to show the world his long-driving skills.He saves us the trip to Asia by making fantastic products like the Hammer driver and Longball golf balls available for purchase. Jack holds numerous long drive records, can reverse dunk an 11 foot basketball goal, run a 4.0 40 yard dash, bench press 450, is fluent in German, Spanish, Zulu, and 5 Chinese dialects, and during the full moon can levitate...Later that night, had dinner with the world's most interesting man and told him to get a life.
The Famous Jack Hammer Himself